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this the reluctance with which the employers hire those having charge of these children, and some idea of the distress occasioned may be obtained.

Attached hereto you will find a slip, that I have cut from a News Paper, which will explain itself. It seems to be circulating extensively in the public prints, and is creating considerable comment. Permit me to inquire as to its authenticity.

I am Genl very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jno. B. Callis
Bvt. Col. U.S.V. and Supt. 
B. RF and A.L.

Circular from the Freedmen's Bureau.

Gen. Howard has issued the following circular:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 1867. }

Hereafter and until further orders, no fees or charges will be exacted by officers of this Bureau, for services rendered in making contracts between freedmen and their employers, either in examination, approving, witnessing, or registering contracts or otherwise.
Chief Commissioner

to your telegraphic order of January 22nd 1867. I have received the supplies for Cherokee Co. and have turned them over to the O.M. for transportation to Gadsden Via Chattanooga, Kingston, and Rome Ga. "as heretofore", consigned to Mr Terrentine our agent for that County.

Transcription Notes:
The first line of the last paragraph is partially cut off.