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During the month eight Applications for Bounty of discharged Soldiers (Cold) have been made out and forwarded from this Office through the Sub Asst Comr at Montgomery Ala. to Bt Major Wm Fowler A.A.G. B R F & A L Washington D.C.

Political Items 
Registration has commenced in District, and every encouragement given to Freedmen to Register which they will do to a man. 

Lincoln Family Temperance Pledge 
Copies of the Pledge were received during the month and distributed to Freedmen who with their families have cheerfully subscribed to them. It is hoped that more blanks will be furnished, they will no doubt result in saving many a poor family from want and starvation. 

General Business
Nothing of importance, but what has been above stated. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Jno. Jones 
Bt Major U.S Vol and
Actg Sub Asst Comr 
B R F & A. Lands
Dist Nor Ala.