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relief. I am pleased to say that matters in my District are improving under the influence above mentioned, and I have at least a hope that not many months will laps before peace and harmony and good will between all classes will prevail regardless of color, obscurity of station or anticedents [[antecedents]]. 

Freedmen's Affairs.
A good many complaints have been lodged in this office, by Freedmen against their employers, and it is a fact worthy of notice that the planters this year as well as last year, have by their acts toward Freedmen, proven that some special Legislation for them is and will be necessary for some time to come. I am pleased however to state, that Special Orders No. 13. from your Head Quarters gives great relief, and its salutary effect by all, and appreciated at least by the oppressed who have been relieved by its influence and practical use.

Many cases had passed the bounds of all hope and were given up as lost under the auspices of former orders, but many have resumed their efforts to gain the ends of justice through these new channels, and have succeeded in making amicable settlements satisfactory to both parties

During the last two months a good many murders and attempts to murder Freedmen, have come to my knowledge, and the murders have been sought for by the civil authorities, but they have in almost every case, failed to arrest and bring the perpetrator to justice. 

During the months of October and November, Twenty six applications for County Pension &c. of discharged colored soldiers have been made out and forwarded from this office, through the Sub