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colony also the number and value of the Rations for the month. I have also give the Hosp' Report for the month of August on the Same blank.
On the Reception of the order I immediately ordered a Morning Report to be kept of the Hospt and a tri Monthly Report of the Colony and a diary from which I could make the Reports as per Order - and the trimonthly Reports will be forwarded from the tenth of Sept. I have not estimated the value of clothes issued as it was all light and inferior Second hand - have secured the new Clothing and best woolen Clothes for winter - - -
I have only five Employees employed in the District and they are female nurses three in the genl Hospital and two in the Small Pox Hospital - we have received 8 cases of small pox within five days 
With the sincere hope I have merited your approval of my services
I am General very respectfully
Your Obt Servt
C W A Poillon
Capt Asst Supt Freedmen