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The exigencies of the Bureau do not seem to be understood at the Qr. Masters Dept in Washington and the recent orders from Gen Miegs will seriously incommode us unless they can be speedily changed.

I cannot arrive at any definite or satisfactory arrangement with Dr Nott and the trustees in regard to the medical college.  They seem determined not to do anything towards repairs so long as it is used as a School for Colored Children.  I enclose you a letter from Dr. Nott written after the interview between him and Col. Cadle and myself.

I do not know what more can be done in the matter since they have rejected your last offer.

The late order of the President remanding back to the Treasury Department all confiscated & abandoned property seems to me to leave the Bureau without any reliable source for money to defray current expenses and hence when a contract is made we have no assurance that the Bureau will be able to pay it. 

I have much more that I would like to say but I must defer it for another time.  The gentlemen of your Staff with whom this will be sent can 