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knowledge of the mere organization and machinery of the Bureau, its ends and purposes, as would enable me to act at all intelligently in the transaction of it's business.  Under such circumstances, I am entirely unable to furnish anything like such a report as would meet the requirements of the circular referred to and I can only furnish such skeleton report as the circumstances I have detailed have left it in my power to make.

My predecessors in this office during the year ending October 31st 1866, were Col. Geo D Robinson 97th U.S.C.T. who seems to have been relieved sometime in March or  early in April 1866, and Leitu Col. G.A. Washburn, VRC who assumed charge of the office in March or early in April 1866.  [folded] and was relieved by S.O. 78. Office Ass't Com B.R.F. + A.L. dated Montgomery, Ala.  April 20th 1866.  Since that time, until my assignment October 3rd 1866, the place of Supt. of this District seem to have been filled by various officers acting temporarily. 

The District of Mobile comprises the following counties:  Mobile, Baldwin, Washington, Clarke, Monroe, Conecuh and Choctaw, and was established by G.O. No 11 Office Ass't Com. B.R.F. + A.L. dated Montgomery Ala., Aug 30th 1865.  I find no order on file changing these limits, although rations have been issued to other counties.  It is impossible, from the data at my command, to give anything like a clear and detailed account of the transaction of the Bureau in this District fo rthe past year, but I present such facts as I have been able to gather.

From the reports left by Col Robinson, I present a statement of the issue of rations to destitute