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Office Sub. Asst. Com. Bu of R.F. & A.L.
Sub-District of Mobile, 
Mobile, Ala. Aug. 18th 1867.
O.D. Kinsman 
Sub-Asst. Com. Bu of R.F and A.L.
Montgomery, Ala. 
I have the honor, in accordance with instructions received to make report of the transactions of this office from Jan 1st 1867., to May 31st 1867.
With the exception of a general action in matters concerning freedmen in questions that have arisen from day to day, and of which my permanent record has been kept, such as settlement of questions and collisions between freedmen, and special interference in questions coming before civil magistrates and functionaries in order the Justice should be secured to freedmen. The work of this office has consisted mainly in the reception of supplied for destitutes and a general supervision over those issued in this District. 
The immediate distribution of these supplies for this District has been in  the hands of the civil agency appointed by the Governor of the State at the head of which is Mr. J.P. Richardson of this city. The duty of this office in this matter has been chiefly confined to such inspections as were practicable to ascertain that these stores were honestly and justly distributed. It is believed the Mr. Richardson and the civil agents under him