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Relief of the Poor

[[left margin]] Poor House [[/left margin]]

The issue to the County poor outside of City limits is mainly assumed by the County Commissioner in special relief provided from private sources, and distributed without distinction of color. The County Poor House is full of inmates, of whom eight (80) (about 1/2) are colored. Upon the invitation of the Civil Authorities, the Sub Asst Commissioner of the Bureau has visited the institution and is convinced that the interests of the colored labor have not suffered since the County assumed their care. The city poor who have homes are fed at the Soup Kitchens. The reports for May show the following figures compared with the preceding month:-


[[left margin]] Soup Kitchens [[/left margin]]

[[7 columned table]]
|   | Adults | Children | Total | Bread pounds | Soup Qts | Remarks |

| Whites | 3246 | 6954 | 10200 | } 9281 | 12660 | A cost of 5 1/3 cents per day for each adult. An avr of 487 persons fed daily |
| Colored | 5708 | 15011 | 20719 | } 9281 | 12660 | A cost of 5 1/3 cents per day for each adult. An avr of 487 persons fed daily |
| Total | 8954 | 21965 | 30919 or 19936½ full rations | 9281 | 12660 |   |


[[7 columned table]]
|   | Adults | Children | Total | Bread lbs | Soup Qts | Remarks |

| Whites | 3667 | 5160 | 8827 | } 9920 | 11700 | A cost of 6 1/6 cents for each adult. An average of 450 persons fed daily |
| Colored | 8956 | 7336 | 16292 | } 9920 | 11700 | A cost of 6 1/6 cents for each adult. An average of 450 persons fed daily |
| Total | 12623 | 12496 | 25119 or 16973 full rations | 9920 | 11700 |   |

The issue is now at its maximum for the summer, and it is believed that no imposition exists. The system of inspection announced in April reports has been carefully followed out.

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