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There seems to be a growing desire on the part of many colored people who have relatives in good circumstances in other States (chiefly Virginia) to return to their former homes. Transportation has been asked for in all instances where, from prevailing destitution, the parties were liable to become dependent upon the Government. The majority of applicants are not thus dependent; but state that they are living from hand to mouth, and that their circumstances are not likely to improve in the future. In order to accommodate this class, an effort is being made to secure them half fare over rail roads &c.

This office does not advise any who are earning an honest subsistence to leave for other States upon uncertain promises; but the prospect ahead from general business depression and the crowded state of the City does not look inviting. When from letters and circumstances it appears that a change will be advantageous, the poor are advised and assisted to go away. There are too many laborers by one-half in this city, while the surrounding country is almost desolate. Employment is exceedingly difficult to obtain, and such low rates of wages prevail, on the average, that the employed can not do more than live.
[[left margin]] The Poor [[/left margin]]

Necessity seems to dictate that every means should be adopted to induce the poor to go when they stand some chance of bettering their condition.


Transcription Notes:
dont transcribe the archive stamp per SI instructions