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Educational interests.

Government Lands.

[[left margin]] Land Office [[/left margin]]

The complications and irregularities complained of in April Report as existing in the Land Office at Mobile still exist. A statement of the difficulties dated May 29th, inclosing affidavits complaining of arbitrary and unjust conduct of the Register, was forwarded.  Recent complaints have accumulated and will be forwarded.  The settlement of these difficulties would do much toward inducing the preservation of land and agricultural interests among the freedmen of this Sub. District.  

Savings Bank.
The Report of the Cashier of the Mobile Branch Freedmen's Savings & Trust Company show for May — 

Deposits  $6519.78
Drafts     8863.06
Amount on hand as basis of deposits $36196.61

Statistics of the bank show that about one twentieth of the entire colored population of Mobile are depositors. 

During the past six months $72937 66/100 have been deposited.  The colored people have about half this amount constantly on hand in the bank. 

The business so far in the year 1868 about equals the business of 1867 for the year, showing a steady increase in financial property of the freed people.  About $12000 of the deposit on hand is in specie which had been hoarded up. 

Baldwin County.
Affairs in this county are overlooked by Dr. Stephen Moore, Bureau Agent.  Reports do not show anything important
