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Bureau of Free Labor.
Montgomery. Ala. June 1. 1865

Thomas W. Conway,
Genl. Supt. Freedmen,
Dept. of the Gulf,

I have the honor to submit the following report of the working of the Free Labor System under my supervision for the month ending May 31st, 1865.

As this is the first report that will come under your notice from this section, and as the system is not yet fully inaugurated, this report must resemble, of necessity, an extended letter more than an official communication.

Assemblies of Colored People.
On Saturday, 27th ult., the day after your departure, I sent for a delegation of principal men, including the Pastors from each of the Colored congregations in the city. I explained to them my relations to their race, and appointed an hour at which I would occupy their pulpits,  and, in the course of my sermon, explained and read your Labor Regulations. 

On the next day (Sunday) I spoke three times to not less than two thousand colored people. I told them plainly that they were free, and that the Government would maintain their freedom. No abuse, no personal violence,