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order at once.  The necessity has now passed away, and order is being rapidly restored, and vagrancy has been much diminished.
In some cases where disorder was reported, I have sent an officer to investigate the cause, and if possible settle the disturbance.

Government Plantations.
I have been delayed in securing plantations upon which to work our idle hands until today.  This delay was caused by my inability to get a report from Headquarters.

I have now authority to use such neglected plantations as I may select.  I have selected such plantations as have crops already in the ground.  I have done so for two reasons: 

1st There is a risk in planting at this late season unless the soil is well adapted to late crops.  A crop planted now would probably be light.  The results I think would be better if I were to expend our labor on corn now a foot high, even if I were to give a small portion of the crop for rent, then to plant now, and pay no rent.

2nd We have not the stock to plough the ground.  We have not been able yet to draw a team for our own use.  So I have selected two thousand acres of land now planted to corn, which I intend working with the hands whom we are now feeding, and hold no idleness.  I hope this, will meet