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with your approval. The proposition I telegraphed to you, but failed to get a reply.

City Passes.
I have two clerks who spend their whole time giving out City Passes upon printed blanks. These are citizen clerks, and, being acquainted with the people of the place, know whose certificates are reliable.

I hardly know how I am going to enforce the Regulations in districts remote from the city.  Men come here for a distance of seventy and a hundred miles.  My time will be entirely occupied here in the office for some weeks yet.  I shall, however, take short trips into the country soon, talking to the colored people on large plantations, and in small towns.  Society never existed in such a chaotic state as here.  No law, no order.  To bring good order out of such confusion is a work from which one of my capacity might well shrink.  Yet I am sustained by the thought that nothing is denied to well directed labor.  My days and nights have been given up to the urgent demands of my situation.

Hoping I may be able in my next report to convince you of progress in our work.

I remain, very respectfully, 
your obt. servant. 
(Signed.) C.W. Buckley,
Asst. Supt. Freedmen