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Bureau of Free Labor
Montgomery. Alabama.
August 1st 1865.

Brig General Wager Swayne.
Commissioner for State of Alabama.

I have the honor herewith to submit my report for the month ending July 31 1865.  In making this report I shall endeavor to lay before you not only the general labors of the past month, but I beg leave also to touch some points and present some suggestions which have occurred to my own mind during my experience in the Bureau of this City and vicinity.  Should I, in making this my first report, after your arrival, enter into detail more than I otherwise should, I bespeak your patience and kind indulgence.

The Magnitude of the work.
In the preparation of no previous report have I so fully comprehended the gigantic proportions of the work entrusted to this Bureau.  The emancipation of four hundred and thirty five thousand (435 000) Slaves in this single state, left in a country wasted and impoverished by war, among, and in part, dependant upon their former masters, whose prejudices against the recently freed negro are deep and unyielding,