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As the sickly season approaches, I find it necessary to increase our accomodations for the sick. At present on hand many cases of measles which have crowded our hospitals. I have therefore secured the assignment of the Franklin Academy for hospital purposes, except one wing which is designed for a colored school. This is a commodious building in a healthy location and will afford ample room for our purpose. We are in great need of a Medical Officer and have been embarrassed for the want of one for some time. As it is exceedingly difficult to get Medical help from the Army, owing to the great scarcity of Surgeons, I would respectfully suggest that a contract be made with some Surgeon who has recently been mustered out of service.

There is in store in this city a large amount of hospital property, taken from Confederate Hospitals.  Some portions of it would be very serviceable in filling up our new hospital. I would respectfully ask for such instructions as will enable me to make use of so much of this property as may be needed for hospital purposes.

There are now on our hands a large number of orphans and half orphans, from