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as free white laborers are controled. In reply I have always declared my confidence in our ability to secure planters in the possession of the labor for which they contract. A people who have shown such patient waiting; in adversity; such christian forebearance, amid the passion of warfare, give the fullest proof of their willingness to be governed by just law. We can rest upon this assurance. Tis more, where on find one such noble trait: one such rare virtue: in a people. it is natural to look for other and kindred qualities of sterling worth. 

In the arduous duties which devolve upon me,
and responsibilities which surround you. I beg leave, General. to tender you my deepest sympathy, and the assurance of my most cordial support, in whatever labors you may put upon me to do.

I have the honor to be
General, Very respty
Yr Odt Svt
C.W. Buckley
Asst Supt Freedmn
District Montgomery.