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White men all of which have been referred to the proper Civil authorities and immediate action taken. 

Ten (10) applications for bounty of discharged Colored Soldiers have been made out and forwarded to Washington D.C. during the month.

One case of Outrage committed on Freedmen has been reported in which there were five men accused (three colord and two white.) The colord men have been arrested, tried and bound over to appear at the next term of the County Court, two of them being unable to give the bond required were sent to Jail. The white men have not been arrested, diligent serch has been made, with not success, it is believed they have left the County. 

Supplies have been issued to  Three Hundred and Thirtyone (331.) White and Two Hundred and Twenty (220.) Colord persons during the month. 

I am Very Respectfully
Your  Obdt Servant 
Jno. C. Hendrix
Actg. Sub Asst Comm