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instructions have been complied with and the laborers have returned to their employment.  Three (3) of this kind of complaint have been made by Employers, in which it is represented that the Freedmen have abandoned their contracts without any seeming provocation.  These cases have been amicably settled at this office.  The laborers having been induced to return and fulfill their Contracts.

Thirds: - Assault and battery - on Freedmen (by Other Col'd Persons)
Three (3) complaints of this nature have been made at this Office by Freedmen, in which they have been assaulted by White persons, and Two (2) complaints, in which they (Freedmen) were assaulted by Colored persons.  All of which were referred to the proper Civil Officers, with instructions to take immediate action as per the laws of the State in such cases.

Fourth: - Application for Bounty &c.
Two (2) of these applications have been forwarded to Washington D. C. (through Office Asst Com'r) during the month.

Fifth: - Applications for Transportation
Three (3) applications of this kind has been made during the month (for one (1) Freedmen and Two (2) Refugees).  The situations of these Applicants were carefully investigated by me, and when finding that they had been for some time, dependent upon the Government, their applications were forwarded to Bureau