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cases heard from

Violation of Contract

Fifteen 157 complaints of this nature have been made of this Office, by Freedmen, in which they represent, that they have been discharged from the Plantations of the Employers without any seeming provocation, on the part of the Freedmen, Letters have been written the Civil Officers - having jurisdiction - requesting that the Laborers be allowed to return to the said Plantations, and then remain unmolested; until legaly ejected, as per the Laws of the State.

In all of these cases, as far as heard from, satisfactory terms have been agreed upon, and the Laborers have returned to their work under the Contract.

"Assault and battery"
Two (2) complaints of "assault and battery" have been made by Freedmen, in which the crimes were perpetrated by White persons.  Both of which cases were referred to the Proper Civil Authorities, with a request that action be taken immediately.  upon the same as per the Laws of the State.  Prompt action has been taken in all of the cases heard from