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above have come before me; I exercise the function of the latter Office, to the best advantages obtainable at Civil Law. Ten or Fifteen cases - of this Employers selling the Crop without the knowledge or consent of the Laborers - have been referred to the several Magistrates - previous to my receiving the appointment of Notary Public -; requesting them to bring said for "Violation of Contract" in the part of the Employer. In all of the cases heard from the same has been equitably adjusted.
There has been made at this Office during the month Fifteen (15) Settlements between the Employer and Laborer-; careful observation has been given to the several accounts for advances &c - standing against them in the way of calling over the same by Sums, So there; and in this manner of settling a great many charges have been thrown out and disallowed. Nevertheless, in this way the Employers became satisfied and were willing to abide by my decision.
There is, at present, in this Sub District a great amount of suffering - existing - among the Destitutes from the want of food and fuel. The supply of Clothing, that was at my disposal, has I think proved very beneficial in bestowing comfort to them and can