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their laborers of the wages faithfully and hardly earned. But three or four complaints have been made to me by planters concerning their laborers, and these on investigation proved to be frivolous and unimportant. 

2. The Apprentice law. Since my administration commenced, the Probate Judges have respected General Orders No. 3, and indentures have been revoked upon all applications by the parents of apprenticed children. The number of these applications is large, and the details of the cases exhibit in the strongest light the foul wrongs heretofore practised under cover of the law, and the necessity for its abrogation. 

3. The Poor Law. In my subdistrict, in all the counties, the provision for the care and relief of the poor is entirely inadequate. Many helpless men and women, [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] both white and colored, and many maimed, are constantly presenting themselves, some in need of food others of medical attention, the details of whose cases are sickening. Lee County is a new county, past being organised, and no

Transcription Notes:
changed "helpers" to "helpless" under #3