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disadvantages under which they labor. As a class they have been orderly and industrious, but few cases of failure to fulfill contract upon their part have ever reached me.

6th  Neglect of Officers.
The neglect of civil officers to perform their duties, especially in cases involving the arrest of parties for outrages committed upon Freedmen is complained of from various parts of this Sub. Dist, particularly from Russell County. I have had more than one complaint against the Sheriff of the County, for such neglect, or refusal to perform his official duties

7th  Outrages.
I have had fewer complaints of outrages upon Freedmen within the last month than any previous month since I have been on duty at this place undoubtedly owing to the wonderful and salutary effect of your order suppressing the infamous Ku Klux Klan.

All of which is respectfully submitted
Very Respectfully
Your Obt servt
R. T. Smith
Sub Asst Comm'r

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 157