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I have heard but few complaints against Employers during the past month, owing mostly, no doubt, to its being a season of the year when but few settlements are being made. It is almost universally conceded that Freedmen are laboring as faithfully as could be expected. The spirit of improvement is evidently on the increase, and Laborers find but little difficulty in getting employment, at reasonable wages, or the promise of it at least.

Schooles The Freedmen, in this Sub Dist, have done as much to establish, and sustain Schools, as could be expected under existing circumstances and in every locality, where their children have had the benefit of a School, their progress has been wonderfull. The benefit which they have derived from the assistance of the Bureau, in the way of paying rent for School Houses, has been very great, for without it, one half the present no. of Schools would not have been sustained.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt
D. B. Smith
Act. Sub Asst Commr.