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Sub District of Opelika
Bureau R. F. & A. Lands.
Opelika Ala. Sept 30th 1868


Agreeable to instructions contained in Circular No. 11 Asst. Comr's Office Sta of Alabama, dated Montgomery Ala. February 19th 1868. I have the honor respectfully to submit the following Report of Bureau and Freedman Affairs in my Sub District for September 1868. 

Abandoned Lands-
There are non in this Sub District. 

Having been so recently assigned to duty in this State I am unable to make as full a report of Bureau affairs in this District as I should have done under other and more favorable circumstances. 

My time having been fully occupied this month in the office, I have had but little opportunity to inform myself in regard to the condition of the crops, but from some observation and more enquiry I am of the opinion that there will not be more than one half the usual amount of corn and cotton raised this season in the counties of Macon, Russell, Lee, Chambers, and Randolph.- The long and very severe drouth