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necesitating an appropriation of at least Twenty five hundred (2500) dollars - by the Bureau and unless these houses or a part of them are built by the assistence of the Bureau, the Freedmen will not have the benefit of permanent schools or be in a condition to receive the advantages of the Public School Law, passed by the State Legislator of Alabama - for they are not able to build themselves houses, and cannot do it

If the Bureau would appropriate from One to Two hundred dollars, to each of these places the Freedmen would then be able to build themselves good comfortable and perminent school houses and I earnestly recommend that the appropriations be made.

There are several cases cases of extreem destitution and indigency in my District. In Lee County there are Three (3) cases who are in a very deplorable condition, and the Civil Authorities refuse to give them aid on the ground that Lee is a new county, and has not as yet made any provission for her indigent These parties are almost entirely helpless and dependent upon charity which is for the most part very spareingly given.