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and located upon the same bluff, in [[Hostal?]] tents. We contemplate putting up two buildings, each 100 x 30 for the accommodation of this class, besides the requisite guard houses, &c. There was an Asst. Surgeon detailed for the Freedmen's Hospital, who served faithfully and with thorough sympathy and kindness, until he was relieved. He has now gone home to be mustered out. His Hospital Steward was a regular practicing physician, though a private in the army. I have had him detailed as acting Surgeon. If you can furnish us with a commissioned Surgeon, it will be a very great advantage, although the person referred to performs his duties to general satisfaction. 
I sent you a telegram some time since asking for how long a time, a lease might be taken. The inquiry was made with reference to an exceedingly eligible place, belonging to Judge Hunter. Or is a sine qua non with him, however that the lease must run at least five years, which I presume puts it out of