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he succeeded and was going on when the owner of the dogs who was sitting on the gallery of his house as the Freedmen passed, came after him with a gun, and ordered him to halt. The Freedman started off across the field and running by a roundabout course, came to the ferry, nearby. The ferrymen seeing his haste, detained him until the owner of the dogs came up, when they together stripped the negro and gave him a severe flogging with his own waist belt. The white man came into me, and under examination admitted all the essential features of the negro's story. I sent a note to the magistrate of the precinct asking him to adjudge the case and report the result to me. I have heard nothing from it, and have no idea that anything has been done. The difficulty is how to know whether such cases have been attended to without having agents to send.

Five or six weeks ago, a wanton murder was perpetrated upon a Freedmen at Liberty P.O by a clerk, for the offence of reporting undue familiarity between the the clerk and wife of his employer during this latter's absence. Four weeks often it occurred no step had been taken to arrest the murderer, but