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and Dallas Counties; report fifty /50/, and one hundred
and fifty /150/ persons, respectively, needing relief. These figures I think are large. It is thought to be neither necessary not advisable, to make a general issue of provisions at this fraction. To afford relief several very worthy cases, a small issue will be made during the month of May, from the supplies furnished under "Joint Resolution of Congress, approved March 30th 1867" to prevent "starvation and extreme want." The unwillingness of the County Commissioners of Dallas, to provide for the relief of destitution, render this issue necessary. The Soup-Kitchen established at this place is issuing but a small amount of Soup daily. Thus far, a great many persons have been relieved, who would otherwise have suffered. 
No progress has been made in erecting the School building at this place, for which an expenditure is authorized by I.O.N.L9. par 2.c.s. from state of Ala, Burge, the Inspector of the Bureau having pronounced as imperfect, the title to the ground purchased by the Am. Miss. Association, as a site for the building. 
School affairs remain unchanged, unless there may be a decrease in the number of pupils: Small schools have been opened by colored teachers in several.