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of an order for the transfer of the Hospital, at which place the Soup Kitchen is located, to  Talladega, this institution was discontinued on the last of the month, the provisions on hand having all been consumed. 

There has been no material change in school affairs since last month. The reports of teachers received so far, show a decrease in the number of pupils, which is attributable to the fact that children at this time of the year are required to assist the parents in cultivating their crops. 

A lot for the erection of a schoolhouse at this place, for which by previous orders an expenditure of $4000 is authorized, has been purchased by the Am. Miss. Association, and the title deed has been forwarded to the Assist. Commissioner for examination and approval. 

There has been quite a demand for laborers, and at wages ranging from $8 to $15, and board per month. 

No changes in Temperance affairs since last report. 

So far as heard from, the efforts of this office to protect the colored people in their rights, and obtain for them their just dues, have been attended with, gratifying success, and although much remains to be wished for in their respect, yet on the whole, the business has been a satisfaction as can be expected under existing circumstances.