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September, but has sent no report as yet. All efforts to open new schools, have failed for want of money to support them.

I have been informed that the proposals for building the School House at the place were all much larger than the appropriation, which again delays the construction of a building very much  needed. It is thought that cash contributions to the amount of $500 besides labor subscriptions can be obtained here in aid of the building. After consulting with members of the City Government, I have to report that no appropriation will be made by them for school purposes. Were the City finances in a less deplorable condition, the present Council, in which the rebel element has control, would not favorably consider any proposition in and of colored schools. 

The Grand Jury, at the last term of the Circuit Court for Dallas County, which has just closed, recommended that the building in the rear of the Court House, and in the Court House enclosure be sold and removed. The matter was reported to you on the Septh ultimo, asking if the title of the