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I have made arrangements with competent loyal council, to defend all the colored peoples, in the various courts, and to accept the obligation of the colored peoples for their services. I have caused
nine warrants to be issued, for the arrest and trial of her sons, for unprovoked assaults upon colored people. I have spared no effort, to obtain information, in regard to the number and condition 
of freedmen schools in this Sub Dist. Although some counties are still without schools. Some of the most competent peoples in the Normal School at this place, having opened school in various
locations, which will increase the number of school in this Sub Dist, review my last relation; which I will duly report to the Supt. of Education. as there are a number of pupils in the Normal School at this place, who are rapidly acquiring the proficiency of teachers, and in view of that end. I hope to increase the number of schools each month, I have eight hundred and fifty (850) sacks of corn belonging to the Bureau RF & AL, in store at this place, in a 
damaged condition. During the current month, I have issued to indigent, freed people 

Transcription Notes:
changed "defund" to "defend" additional review needed