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by there voices.

I have since lurnt that this Freedwoman had some trouble with her mistress some time previous when she thretened to have her whiped. I am trying to find out the guilty parties.

According to your instructions of the first of the month. I drew the allotted number of rations for this county of Trent. W. H. Thompson and turned them over in bulk to Moses McGuire Judge of Probate of this county.

Inclosed please find receipts of both parties.

No rations wer drawn in March for Fayett or Walker Countyes

There have been numerous cases of trifling nature, but the one I have instanced is of the most importance.

I have the honor to remain 
Very Respectfuly
Your Obeident Servant
J. W. Cogswell
Capt 84th N. Y. Vol
Asst. Supt. Bureau of
R. F. and A. L.

Since writing the above I have received your communication of Mch 29 and will send receipt & invoices in report.