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the Asst. Supt. Freedmen are constantly applying for information relative to lands - some with a desire to purchase improved tracts - and others with a view to avail themselves of the benefits of the homestead law, while a few cling to the idea that the lands of their former owners are in some measure to be distributed among them. Full information is furnished in regard to this matter and especially the last erroneous idea.

Many little differences arise between Freedmen themselves and almost always this results in one party or the other applying to the Asst. Supt. for redress. These are not recorded but generally it requires time to look into the merits of each case, owing to the ignorance of the parties.

At all times it has been the aim of the Asst. Supt. to encourage education, industry, and religion by conversation with leading Freedmen and Friends of negroes generally. Large numbers of Freedmen and Whites have been supplied with Rations who otherwise must have starved. Doubtless many have imposed upon this philanthropic act