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for labor performed, to be sure they have the same remedies that White men have, but what is that, sue and get a judgt & execution, but the favor of Ala, Exempt five times as much property as ninetenths of them have, and so they get nothing. There is more complaints on this score than all others, and it does more to discourage & dishearten the poor freedmen than anything else; this should be remedied if possible, and I can think of no plan, but to order that nothing shall be exempt from this class of debt, & authorize all Sub Comr and Buar Agts, as well as Justices, to try such cases & Iss. Executions to collect.
I hope you will excuse me for these sugestions as they are made with a hope that something may be done to remove this great hardship.
All of which his Respectfully submitted 
I am Sir, Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
R Blair
Agt B. RF and AL

P.S. I have to able to be excused for not Reporting sooner. Sickness is the cause & nothing but that shall ever keep me from being functional. Respty, RB