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Office Agt. Bureau R F & AL. Tuscaloosa Ala
March 1st, 1868

To Genl Julius Hayden
Comd Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala,


In compliance with orders contained in circular No 10. I have the Honor to Report, that, the affair of the Bureau and (F.M.) in the Sub Dist are in as good as conditions as could reasonably be expected considering the state and conditions of the Country. a great many of the (F.M.) have made contracts and gone to work cheerfully, and yet I am sorry to be compelld to Rept that, there is many that seem not desperate to work at any regular employment, but are disposed to hang about town and pick up a precarious living as best they can, altho I am constantly urging upon them the importance of industry 
& Economy. as to Refugees, there is hardly any that comes properly under that Heading