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The Murdered Woman went before them to state what he knew and in less than one hour they had him sent to jail, they hunted around and got some kind of Evidence and found a bill against him for an assault with intent to Murder an Infamos Villen by the name of Hollansworth the same man that commensed the affray in which Randolph tried to kill the freedmen, a few days after which this same fellow wint over the River, with the openly avowed purpose of killing this freedman Hughs. he found him and caled him to him as Hughs was passing the street. told him he wanted to shoot him and to stand round so as he could do so, (had Pistol in hand) Hugh at once caught hold of him pushed him down and took the Pistol from him and walked off. When Hollansworth got up and went in the house it was discovered that his abdomen had been punctured with the blade of a small knife, (which he was well  of in two days.) this was the Evidence before the Court and before Lt Ryan and myself at or directly after it occured and yet the Court convicted him and have Sentenced him Two Years to the Penitentiary. again in a little case involving 30 or 40$ that I had in court, they found against me, and a number of the jury openly acknowledge afterwards that is was done because I was a D-D. Radical as they explained it, every Lawyer in Court said it was an outrage, but the Judge