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Office Br. RH+AL Tuscaloosa Alabama 
Oct 31st 1868

Col. Edwin Beecher
Ast,, Comr,, Bec. RH+AL      [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]]
State of Ala.

It again becomes my duty to 
Report the occurrence of another murderous outrage
committed in this county on the night of the 17th Sept,,
upon the person of a freedman by the name of 
Silas Carr, the F.M. with his family lied on 
the north side of the River about 2 miles from
town on a little farm that he had been cultivating 
and had everything comfortable around him, his 
house is not within half a mile of any 
other house, and his character is entirely 
good so far as I can learn, no charge of any
kind has been made against him (even 
the monitor man has not attempted to make any)
the circumstances are as follows, on Saturday night
17th about midnight five White men came to his back
door and demanded admittance saying that they
were sent to search his house for guns + Pistols, 
he told them that he had none, they 
told him that he must open the door or
they would burn him out, and did set
fire to the House, he then opened the door + his 
wife went out and put the fire out, + came in