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they should feel resentful. In the absence of military in that County the white people have done with the negro what they pleased,- cut, hung, and whipped and abused them unmercifully; and there are more complaints come to this office from that county, than any two other, although it is such a distance from here. I thought it my duty to inform you of this action of the "Committee." The civil authorities are very apt to magnify even the slightest error of the negro.

There is not any thing of importance to communicate connected with this office, but I would respectfully say I do not think there is a county needing the presence of a Supt. of this Bureau or the military more than the County of Pike, where the citizens seem determined to treat the Freedmen as of old

I have the honor to be, Colonel,
With very sincere respect, your most obd't serv't
And'w Geddes
Capt &c