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yet they seeme to be vary backward about makeing contracts. There seems to be an impression among them that something will transpire about the close of the present year by which they are agoing to be greatly benefited. and some of the planters are now waiting the action of the Ala Legislator thinking that body will make diferent Regulations for labor. 
but vary few complaints reach this Office and they are of minor importance as a general thing however there are complaints reaches here from Loachapoka 
Macon C. and oak Bowery Chambers Co  of an organization known by the Freedmen as the Black Patroles it Seemes by the best information I can get that they go in gangs of from 10 to fifteen with their faces Blacked and on Some occations wear the appearl of the Softer Sex they are not known or but few at least. I have refered the matter to the Justice of Peace in the locality in which these demons roam they Seeme to be wreaking a revenge on the negroes by cruelly wipping them regardless of age or Sex I think the civil agents are vary Slow in riding the Country of these outlaws and that they merit the disapprobation of all Justice loving people there are Some few complaints in regard to Settling of contracts but as a general thing it is owing to 

Transcription Notes:
Kept spelling errors