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Will take place this evening provided the Witnesses can be obtained in time. reports are vary contradictory as to the cause of the Shot I am not able to form an opinion as to the innocence or guilt of either party I expect to be present during the trial and I will then Be able to give an opinion as to the guilty Party with the exceptions of this case every thing is vary quiet the Planters are very well Satisfied with the labor of the Freedmen. Some trouble with Freedmen who have made Contracts and become dissatisfied and are leaving their employers and makeing new contracts I am Sending them Back to reclaim and full fill their contracts when they have left in violation of Contracts the Freedmen who leave are usually decoyed By Some white person who will offer them Some trifle as an inducement to leave their former employer. the White man is really the guilty Party and in my opinion deserving of a punishment and I would respectfully recomend that if possible Something be done to Check Such men. from the fact it is causing a terrible Demoralization among the freedmen and makes labor vary uncertain and they (the Freedmen) lay themselves liabe