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The amount $4000 0/00 transferred by Mr Conway Asst. Comsr. La was for the purpose of settling debts contracted during his administration and for the immediate expenses of the office.

The amount $300 0/00 proceeds of sale of warehouse at Letohatchie was from an old warehouse formerly owned by the rebel Government and which reverted to this Bureau

Respectfully submitted
[[strikethrough]] Wager Swayne
Brig. Gen; & Asst Comsr [[/strikethrough]]

The apparently large [[strikethrough]] number of [[/strikethrough]] civilelist was Employed before the arrival of the [[strikethrough]] the bill for civil employment accrued [[/strikethrough]] present Assistant Commissioner, at Mobile. The number of civilians [[strikethrough]] and with th [[/strikethrough]] Orders have been issued for the discharge of all persons [[strikethrough]] not clas [[/strikethrough]] and their places supplied by military except clerks, who cannot be replaced details. by detail — 

Brig: Gen: & Asst Comsr