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The statements of outrages upon Freedmen which I had with me were chiefly confined to this county, and I was directed by the Provisional Governor of Alabama under whose orders I was in part acting to turn over these cases to the civil authorities where in force.
The Circuit Court of this county sits on the 25th inst. Judge Bettis fully appreciated the enormity of many of the charges and agreed to present to the Grand Jury each of the cases.  I gave the papers to him requesting a report of the action upon the source, informing him that was [[wasion?]] or denial of justice in any respect would subject the accused to trial by a Military Commission.  I have no doubt the conduct of Judge Bettis will be perfectly satisfactory.
I encamped at night within about 10 miles of the Alabama River.  On the morning following (Saturday) I reached the Alabama River about one mile above Claiborne and commenced crossing.  This occupied me till 4 o'clock in the morning.  At Claiborne I met a guard who informed me they had brought forage from Mobile agreeably to my request while at St. Stephens.  I regret to say I found this place exhibitions of disloyalty and lawlessness such as I had not before seen and it was only by a great effort on the part of some well-minded citizens and my officers that an open outbreak was prevented between these lawless persons