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THE WAY IT IS DONE IN RUSSELL ALA.- Eds. Sun & Times: Allow me to hand your paper, which has a large circulation in Eastern Alabama, the following official order for publication:

Beat No. 2, January 14, 1866. 

Lt. H. M. Hawes, Comd'g Mil. of Girard: 
You are hereby commanded to call together the men assigned to your command on next Saturday, or at the earliest day that you can give them sufficient notice, and read to them the following orders, viz:

You will not make any arrest except in aid of the civil authority, and in all cases of arrest the party arrested shall be protected from violence and abuse and surrendered at once to the civil authorities, as required by law, to the place and civil officer before whom the writ is returnable, or to the nearest magistrate of the county where the offense is alleged to have been committed, when particular place is expressed or when the accused is there entitled to trial by law.

You will avoid any conflict of authority on your part with the United States officers and solders, and treat them with courtesy.

The men of your command are desired to proceed forthwith the collection of arms and ammunition found in the hands of freedmen, and whenever you are informed of freedmen on any place having them, you will immediately send a guard out to search, first obtaining the consent of the proprietors, or his agent, to make such search. All arms and ammunitions so found must be reported and turned over to these headquarters. 

In cases of freedmen using seditious or insurrectionary language, they will be arrested and turned over to Hon. James F. Waddell, Agent of the Freedmen's Bureau for Russell County.

In these cases, as in all others, you will first obtain a warrant from the civil magistrate, setting forth the facts as near as possible. Your men will refrain as far as possible, and will not make arrests upon their own authority, except in cases of public necessity. Such necessity will be the great danger of the escape of the criminal. In all such he will be arrested at once and turned over immediately to the nearest civil magistrate for investigation of charges.

Your men are reminded that by instructions from Gov. Parsons, they are prohibited from improper or harsh treatment of prisoners in their charge.

The above orders will be strictly enforced, and your men are reminded that they will be dealt with to the extent of the law if they commit any violent act or disobedience of orders while on duty.
Capt. Com'g Vol. Mil. Co.,
Beat No. 2, Russell Co., Ala.
To Lt. H. M. HAWES,
Girard, Ala.

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