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of a plantation. This brother refused to do, saying that under the present state of affairs he did not wish to own land in the South. I then urged him to buy with me, deed the said plantation to me and hold my obligation for one half the value of the same, and at anytime he could return my obligation and claim an equal share in the said plantation which proposition my brother accepted. on the 17th day of February, 1866 I bought a plantation of 387 acres at Twelve dollars and fifty cents per acre to be in for in three years, and in three equal payments.
In reference to the ownership of the land is as yet undecided but my brother is my active partner and equally interested with me in the cultivation of 150 acres of cotton, no corn, with the understanding that my brother was to have full control and the entire management of said plantations. 
My regiment was mustered out of service the 20th day of March, 1866, Since that date I have been employed as Agent of Bureau R.F and A.L to which duty I have devoted my undivided time and my entire ability. 
I am General very respectfully
your obedient servant
(Signed) J.F. McGogy
Maj. Gen Wager Swayne
Com'g Dist of Alabama