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members of his family, who are living upon it.
A school has been established upon the plantation, in which the freed children are gratuitously taught daily by a member of the family, and the Sabbaths are devoted to religious exercises in which all the persons living on the place participate
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
(signed) C.W. Buckley.

State of Alabama
Montgomery County J
Personally appeared before me Geo. A. Harmount an Asst. Superintendent Bureau of Ref. F. & A.L. R H Beaudry, an acting Assistant Surgeon U.S.A. who being duly sworn said that he has been on duty at the Freedmen's Colony about seven miles from Montgomery Ala since August, 1865. That Mr. W.A. Bull was appointed Superintendent of that colony in January, 1866. That while Mr. Bull was Superintendent with the advice of the said Beaudry he exchanged on ration of meat for that colony for fish sufficient for a ration for said colony, and that the said Beaudry saw the said