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Head Qrs. Dist. Alabama
Office S.
Montgomery Ala
June 18th 1866

Major General Wager Swayne
Comdg Dist. 
In compliance with requirement of Special Orders No. 1, from these Headquarters of the 11th dist. and in obedience by our verbal instructions I visited Greenville in company with Mr. J.T. McGogy Special Agt. of the Bureau for the purport of investigating several complaints made with regard to the management of the Subsistence Department under charge of Capt T.O. Steinberg V.R.C. and A.C.S. at Greenville

I have given the complaints a thorough patient, and carefull investigation, and I regret to say: that they are well founded. In my opinion Capt. T.O. Steinberg has sold supplies sent to Greenville for issue only and apropriated the proceeds to his own uses, and I purpose there misapplying public stores, and embezzling public money.

I find from inspection of receipts review by Capt. Steinburg to Messrs J.R. + H.J. Abrams that the Capt Steinberg

Transcription Notes:
Quite a few [[?]]s to be resolved. Thanks! - Emily, TC team.