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upon Invoices and Riceipts by Capt. Taylor A.Q.M. to Lt. O.'Connor and are carried on his papers as quartermaster property 
1 Large Wooden building occupied as School House 
1 Frame House occupied by School teacher 
1 Large wooden building occupied as SmallPox Hospital 
1 Frame House occupied by refugees

The two last named buildings are on the Arsenal grounds. This land (40 acres) was leased to the late Confedracy (by Col. Phillips of their Army. ) for the purpose of establishing an arsenal,—the lease has now expired, and the Colonel through his agent at Demopolis claims that the buildings are private property having been erected by him, and not by the Confedracy. 

Would rispectfully recommend that Lieut. P.E. O.'Connor V.R.C & A.A.Q.M may be furnished with the necessary order authorizing him to drop from his Quartermaster Returns the four buildings transferred by Capt. Taylor as Quartermasters Property, and that he be ordered to take them up as Bureau Property 

Lt. O.'Connors Wagons, Harness, and some of his mules, are in bad order, and out to be turned in, or sold, at auction. 

Maj Pierce Supt, 
being absent at Montgomery, his brother in law, who is clerking for him, furnished me with his complaint Book from