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I would respectfully recommend that all property in the hands of the Asst. Supt. at Selma (and at all other places in this Sub. Dist.) be ordered transferred to the Bureau quartermaster, and that Monthly Report be ordered made in triplicate, one copy to be furnished to Asst. Supt. at the place, one to be forwarded to the chief of the staff department to which the property appertains and one to be retained by the officer for his own security, (enclosed is form for property) There are large quantities of clothing &c in the hands of Supts, this is issued, and no returns made, or records kept generally. The better place would be for all this clothing &c to be transferred to the quartermaster and the Asst. Supts. could give the necessary orders on them for the clothing to he issued. The quartermaster could take receipt from the parties, and the orders would be his vouchers for the issues, (form Company Clothing Rolls)
The present barracks at Selma being immediately in rear of the "Court House" it is desirable that some more suitable locality be selected the building now occupied by them is bureau property and is worth about $700 it would cost about $200 to move it and reerect it. To make it comfortable for winter, it would require (8) eight windows, If troops are to be put in regular barracks this winter. I would respectfully recommend that the necessary orders my be issued