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last rations were issued to 21,157 persons; to freedmen, adults, 2,583, children, 3,515 to refugees, adults, 4,4762, children, 10,297. The full ration was not given in all cases, but only in quantity sufficient to relieve suffering. The number of full rations for that month, issued to Refugees & Freedmen, including Hospitals and Asylums, was 282,617.

The issue was made upon the estimates of Superintendents of Districts, sometimes modified by the Ass't Comm. and the supplies delivered to the County Agents whom the certificates of Probate Judges, the counties defraying the expense of transportation. Since the first of October, in accordance with your Circular of Aug. 22nd.(No. 10) the issue has been suspended, the class of dependents therein excepted, being allowed to draw as usual. Since that time, many old, infirm and decrepit freedmen have sought admittance to the hospitals or colonies. But very few of the Counties have made any provision for the support of the poor freedmen and without the aid of the Gov't; these people could not, I believe, escape starvation. 
The issue to whites is not to refugees proper, but mostly to the widows and children of men killed or who died in the service of the so-called, Confederacy; and to  men