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kept, and the returns so far as "required" are correctly and promptly rendered.

Brevt Maj' Jno. Jones 1st V. R. C. stationed at Courtland in Lawrence County, in this district, has neglected to make any financial reports whatever

In April he stated, in a letter to Col. Callis that he had in his hands $326.00 the proceeds of fines and fees, he has not accounted for this or any other money, as funds of the Bureau, but now states that he has expended the money for hospital purposes (for which he appears to have had no authority) but fails to furnish any vouchers to cover such expenditure.  He has been called upon repeatedly by Col Callis for a special report, and for the usual monthly financial returns but has furnished neither.  I called General Swayne's attention to this officer, and suggested he be placed in arrest for his deriliction of duty.

The following officers and employees of the Bureau, are engaged or interested in the cultivation of land in this state. C. W. Buckley Supt of Education. J.F. McGogy Supt of the Greenville district and Gardner formerly Supt. now a clerk in the Selma district.

Reports and Returns

All the periodical returns called for in orders